Friday, May 29, 2009
Picuture of Rufus
VGNO- Winners, Games, Giveaway's

It is Friday!!! This has been a busy week. Wednesday a stray puppy came to the door. He looks like a full lab but I am not sure. Brookster of course feel deeply in love at first sight. I explained that he could belong to someone and they could be looking for him. We live way out in the country so not to many to ask. I called the neighbors no one had lost a puppy. So, for now we have adopted the dog and named him Rufus. An owner could still show up but unlikely at this point. I forgot how much trouble a puppy could get into.

Place salt in a saucer, rub brim of glass with lime wedge and dip in salt. Mix the tequila, triple sec, lime juice and crushed ice in a blender until mixed. Pour into the glass and enjoy.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter Review/Giveaway

8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter Season 2 released on May 19th
Season One of 8 Simple Rules has John Ritter and Katy Segal in a comedy that centers around raising 3 teenagers. In the 2nd season John Ritter stars in the first 3 episodes, since sadly he passed away during the taping of the 2nd season.
Of course with this new development, 8 Simple Rules had a little change in direction:
It’s a time for healing and learning to deal with life without family patriarch Paul (the late John Ritter), as the Hennessys discover the frailties of life and the strength of the family unit. Widowed mom Cate (Katey Sagal), now finds herself in the precarious position of raising three teenagers on her own. She does get a little relief from her father, Jim (James Garner), who’s been staying at the house since Paul’s death. But the family is thrown for a loop when Cate’s wayward nephew, C.J. (David Spade), moves in and finds it hard to resist getting himself into trouble or offering questionable advice to the kids.
After a two part episode of a touching tribute to “Paul” (John Ritter), 8 Simple Rules picks right back up with the funny business (in a respectful and appropriate way).
We loved 8 Simple Rules in my house, so when we got the chance to review it we jumped at the chance.Would you like to win a box set of 3 DVDS of season 2 of 8 Simple Rules just leave me a comment of a show that you loved to watch that is no longer on the air.
Open to U.S. addresses only. Please leave your email address so I will know how to contact you. The contest will be running until June 2nd.
Extra Entries:
1. Follow my blog and leave a comment that you are following
2. Twitter this give away and leave a comment with the link.
3. Blog about this give away and leave a comment with the link.
Thanks for your interest in this give away.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Meal Plan Monday

I have been reading so many posts about Meal Plan Monday, that I have decided to join in this week. I am trying to be more prepared where meals go so they will be healthy and save money. So here goes my first attempt at having a meal plan for the week. I will let you know how it goes next Monday.
Wish me luck on sticking to this schedule, but I think it is going to be a really good tool for me.
Thanks for taking the time to visit.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Outdoor play is important for kids
Brookster would live outside if I let her. When Momfluence gave us the chance to review outdoor toys we jumped at the chance. We got to review the Supersoaker. Brookster turned it into a watering gun by watering the outside flowers with it, she put water in the cats bowl and chased away bugs with it. I think this was the great because she used her imagination. I have noticed with some of friends that they do not that great of imagination. I have also noticed that those few friends do not like to play outside. They would rather be inside playing video games then be outside. I am not a psychologist so I can not say for sure that their is a correlation between imagination and outside play but I think it plays a part for Brookster.
According to Familyfun.go "statistics show that children ages 3 to 12 spend just 1 1/2 percent of their free time (about 30 minutes each week) in unstructured outdoor play." That seems like such a low number considering that research has shown that outside play leads to a number of health benefits both physical and mental. Kids learn to build forts, swing, slide down slides, climb. I will never forget the first time that Brookster was able to climb to the top of the slide by herself. She smiled the biggest smile that I have ever seen and thought she had climbed the tallest mountain. Ex cerise is important for kids and they get plenty of it by playing outside. If you are wondering what kinds of toys are good for your child to play outside with you can check out Time to Play Magazine. They review products and give opinions about them. It is a great site to find out different opinions about toys.
If you child has been playing outside and you would like for them to play more here are a few ideas from Family Fun:
Go Slowly- Alene Archer of the National Wildlife Federation's education department recommends that kids get one "green hour" -- unstructured play in a green outdoor space -- each day. But, she says, "you can start smaller, with even ten or fifteen minutes a day." Try scheduling some of that time after school and before homework, says Kuo; it just might help your child work more productively.
Try a monthly nature excursion-Periodically expand the boundaries of family outings by exploring areas "where you're surrounded 360 degrees by nature," says Lizette Castano, executive director of the Children's Nature Institute ( "Find a place that's exciting, where there are things to see -- an autumn forest, a pond filled with aquatic insects," says Joseph Cornell, author of the "Sharing Nature With Children" books and founder of the Sharing Nature Foundation ( Consider combining nature watching with other activities, such as canoeing, cross-country skiing, or camping. If proximity to nature is a concern, don't worry. Richard Louv suggests beginning with "nearby nature -- a clump of trees at the end of a cul-de-sac, a ravine behind your house, or even your backyard, if you leave a part of it unmanicured."
Cultivate Curiosity -Kids are more likely to get excited about nature "when they're captivated by a sense of mystery," says Cornell. Fortunately, the natural world is full of mysteries that parents and kids can try to unravel together: Where did that seedpod come from? Whose tracks are those? "Ask open-ended questions so kids can start wondering," says Castano. That sense of wonder in nature that you kindle today can benefit your child for years to come.
Appeal to the senses- Help your kids focus on all the sensory experiences they can have with nature," suggests Castano. "Ask them to smell the plants, stick their hands in the soil to see how it feels." Try playing a game that Cornell calls Still Hunting: Find a spot and stay very still as nature returns to its normal routine all around you. What do you hear? A chipmunk tunneling through leaves? What do you see? Grass waving in the breeze? "Nature is always inspiring," says Cornell, "and it's only our restless minds that keep us from being joyfully aware of this."
It is never to late for kids to play outside. Maybe you have kids like mine that you have to make come in. I have learned by doing research for this article that playing outside is really good for kids and maybe I should let her play outside more than I do. Even though she does play out at least 1 to 2 hours a day all total. I did enjoy finding out that one of my parenting skills is right on the money by letting her play outside. Now my other parenting skills will have to be talked about in another post because no one is perfect and I have a lot of flaws. Parenting is a lot about learning and moving forward. Most importantly parenting is about loving our kids. Sometimes things get so busy for us that I forget something very important and need to be reminded. Enjoy the time I have with Brookster because she will not be little long and there will come a time that she does not want to play with me. (mommy crying now) Now go have some fun with your kids.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
VGNO-Party with a Cookbook giveaway

1 1/2 ounce Rum, Coconut
Mixing instructions:
There are two different ways to mix this drink.
1. Add the Rum and Orange Juice to the glass and add the scoop of ice cream like a float.
2. Mix all ingredients in a blender then add to the glass.
I like the first way because you get some the ice cream that has not melted.
Now that we have a great drink to get the party started off to the question for the night:
The drinks have been made, we have talked about our Holiday plans. I thought tonight a great way to add to the party tonight would be with a give a way. What is a party without food. Where can you get some great new recipes for the party you ask. Why a new cookbook of course.

The Good Home Cookbook has over a 1,000 recipes that have been tested in kitchens across America. One of the recipes I would like to share with you tonight for the party comes right out of this cookbook p. 206. It is really good and I know you will like it for the party tonight.
Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons black pepper
2 teaspoons dried basil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
2 ( 1 pound) pork tenderloins
6 slices bacon
2 tablespoons oil
How to make
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
2. Combine the garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, basil, and oregano in a small bowl. Rub the seasoning all over the tenderloins. Wrap each tenderloin in 3 slices of bacon and secure with toothpicks. Brush with oil and place in a shallow roasting pan.
3. Roast for about 1 hour, until the bacon is crisp and the meat registers 150 degrees to 155 degrees F.
4. Cover with a tent of aluminum foil and let stand for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve immediately.
This recipe sound good. I am giving away a copy of the Good Home Cookbook.
This one is easy to enter just leave a comment. See I told you it was going to be easy.
I know some people like the extra entries.
1. Tweet about the giveaway and VGNO and leave the link in the comments. ( 1 entry)
2. Blog about the giveaway and leave a link. ( 5 Entries leave a separate comment for each entry)
Please leave your email address, if it is not in your profile, so I can get in touch with the winner. The winner will be chosen by on March 28th at 12:00 midnight central time. The winner will be notified on March 29th and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
Head on over to Ann's she has a great popcorn give away on her blog and continue the great VGNO tonight. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and be safe.

So easy a kid can do it- Purex 3-in 1 Review

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Awards Day
I have to give her credit she was covering all bases. She also told her Mimi to help remind me. Her Mimi takes her to school every morning. They kept up this tradition even after I stopped working because they both do not things to change so she kept going over to her Mimi's every morning for breakfast and to be taken to school. It was fine with me since we live right next door and all she had to do was walk across the yard. This morning after she took Brookster to school she called the house and asked if I was up. I told her I had been up since Brookster came over. Well, Brookster wanted to be sure I did not go back to sleep.
Well enough with my compulsive daughter and on to the awards.
I am very proud of her and I love her more than anything in the world. I love how hard she works for things and achieves her goals that she sits for herself. She acts so much older than she really is. I am so glad that I have stopped working and is going to be spending time with her this summer. I hate that I have missed so much time with her, but I will be making up for lost time this summer.
Thanks for letting me brag about my little girl.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Time Management
Tonight it was Brownies. I got Brookster's bath early so when we got home we did not have to do that. I was reading some e-mails and when I looked up at the clock I had 10 minutes to get her to Brownies and she was doing the special flag ceremony tonight. I called the leader to explain that we were running a little late but we were coming. She was super nice and said it was fine. Brookster however was not has nice and understanding. According to her I have ruined her life and she is going to be sooooooooooooo in trouble for being late. Now keep in mind I have already talked to the leader and worked it out with her. I however understand Brookster because I used to never be late to anything.
I have bought a daily calender and I am going to try to schedule things that need to be done. A friend of mine suggested that. When I worked I lived by the calender so maybe that is what is missing.
Tomorrow is the last day of school, so Brookster and I both will have to get on a summer schedule. I will keep you posted on how I am coming with this time management thing. Thanks for letting me vent a little bit it has made me feel better. Do you all have any advice on how to juggle it all?

Friday, May 15, 2009
VGNO- Sweet

It is already Friday and it is time for some Virtual GNO. It is going to be a busy weekend in our household this weekend so I thought I would post a little early tonight and get to do some surfing later on tonight when we get back home. If the weather holds out we are going to a baseball game tonight. Brookster is so excited but it looks like rain again. It has rained so much in Tennessee this Spring we might need to build a boat.

After drinks we need a party game and the game Ann has chosen for tonight is:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dora the Explorer Super Babies Dream Adventure Review

The DVD includes 4 interactive episodes, "Super Babies Dream Adventure", "Dora Helps the Birthday Wizzle","Pirate Treasure Hunt" and "Benny's Treasure". Created by Nickelodeon Home Entertainment and distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment.
Program Description
In the feature episode, "Super Babies' Dream Adventure" Dora has a special naptime story! Once upon a time, the Super Babies were getting ready for their nap but the Dream Fairy never showed up because she was still asleep! With your help, the Super Babies try to wake the dream
Fairy so she can deliver all the happy naptime dreams.
When Brookster was little she loved anything that had to do with Dora. I always liked it as a parent because it is a fun way for the kids to learn. Brookster learned quite a bit of Spanish from watching Dora. I never really knew how much until she started telling me what a word was in Spanish. She was learning a second language and did not even really know she was learning. That is the best kind of learning.
The DVD is going to be released on May 2, 2009. It has a retail value of $16.99. If you would like to buy a DVD of Super Babies' Dream Adventure you may click here, here or here.
Thanks to Erica for the opportunity to review this DVD. We still love Dora in our house.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lowes Build and Grow Program

Finished project:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Quantum Life Settlements
A life settlement allows the owner of unwanted life insurance to sell their policy to a third party for a one-time cash payment. Based in Baltimore, Quantum Life Settlements is a Registered Investment Advisory firm with more than 17 years experience providing comprehensive and innovative financial solutions for affluent individuals, corporations, seniors, and their families.
Quantum Life Settlements are currently offering a complimentary appraisal of policy holders life insurance coverage to determine if they are eligible for a life settlement. For more information and to see if you qualify for a life settlement, log on to:
If Quantum Life Settlements sounds like something you would be interested in checking out, visit HERE to take the free online qualifier quiz. Also, you can visit their site to read testimonials from others that have decided that Quantum Life Settlements was the right choice for them

Monday, May 11, 2009
My Mothers Day
First, I received my drawing. It says I heart you down both sides. She loves to draw. This one is going to be framed. I always pick one drawing that I love a little more than the others and frame it. She loves it that her pictures get framed like famous artists. Then she gave me a string of hearts. She stated that there were 8 hearts because she was 8 and it they stood for 8 reasons she loved me. ( cry starting here). She told me the eight reasons were
1. I always took care of her
2. I cooked for her
3. I hugged her when she felt sad
4. I magically made hurts go away
5. I leave her special notes in her lunch. ( I always write a note in her lunch box. Sometimes I just say I love you or sometimes if I know she is going to take a test or something I will tell her good luck. Did not know they meant so much to her until yesterday.)
6. I take her places
7. I play Wii with her
8. I am her Mommy.
Now, I would have been very happy with these presents but she brought out a bag, that had a little bag in it. The little bag held the followingThanks to Mimi, she knows just how to top off my Mother's Day. Then we went to Logan's to eat lunch and I just enjoyed being with Brookster. I told her that I was lucky to have her as a little girl and without her there would not be a Mother's Day for me.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Friday, May 8, 2009
Small Talk Six
5/9 -6 ways that you are like or unlike your mother
1. I put Brookster first in everything just like my mom did me. ( not sure yet if that is a good thing or not)
2. Both me and my mom love strawberries.
3. My mother and I both love to cook.
4. My mother did not work after I came home from the hospital, I worked until a month ago.
5. My mother did not ever go anywhere without me, I do go places without Brookster.
6. My mother lived for my dad which is what her generation did. I am glad that I have learned to have a life outside of my husband. Now I just have to learn how to do that with Brookster, but hey she is only 8 and I have time on that one.
VGNO Glad the Storm is over

I hope that everyone has a great Virtual Girls Night Out. Go visit over at Ann's to see what everyone else is doing tonight.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
What to do with expired coupons?? Send to the Armed Forces
They ask that the coupons be divided into months that they expire so they will know which ones they need to give out first and give divide them into Food and Non Food categories. I think this is a great way to help the families of our troops. I hated throwing away coupons that had expired and now we don't have to.
Another note they can only accept manufacture coupons, no Internet or in store coupons.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Free Family Film Festival

Brookster can cook!!!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Speak Now For Kids

Speak Now For Kids in Health Reform is a national campaign sponsored by the National Association of Children’s Hospitals (N.A.C.H.). N.A.C.H. is joined by national partners and supporting organizations from around the country who all care deeply about how children will be treated in health reform. Speak Now for Kids in Health Reform urges parents, family members, health care providers and other advocates to tell Congress why children matter in health reform – through stories, photos and videos. Be a champion for children and Speak Now.
The Speak Now for Kids Campaign provides you with an opportunity to lend your voice to the health care reform debate on behalf of children through multiple social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter. Help spread the word about Speak Now for Kids and ensure that Congress hears from your friends, family and social networks from around the country who agree that children need a voice in health reform. We’ve provided you with all the tools you need – web buttons, sample tweets, a downloadable flyer and ready-to-print stickers. You can quickly become a champion for children’s health by following the Speak Now Advocate’s Guide.
The Facts:
- 8.8 Million childre in the U.S. do not have health insurance
- Insured children are more likely to receive preventativ care, and to be sick less often
- Many adult chronic conditions have their origins in childhood
- Even with insurance, children currently receive only 41% of preventive care
What can w do as moms and bloggers? Join me in spreading the word.
Visit Speak Now For Kids:
Learn about the campaign.- Speak to Congress about the importance of children's health care.
- Share the message through your own blog, Facebook, Twitter and e-mail.
To learn more about the campaign and tweet with a representative from the National Association of Children’s Hospitals, join us this Wednesday, May 6th, from 9 to 10 p.m. eastern time on Twitter for a #SpeakNowforKids SiteWarming.

to join the other mom blogger with Mr. Linky. Please do not miss this opportunity to speak up for the healthcare needs of our children, especially now that they are not old enough to speak for themselves.