Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
What is MRSA?
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a type of Staph bacteria found on the skin and in the nose that is resistant to antibiotics. More than 90,000 Americans get potentially deadly MRSA infections every year and in 2005, nearly 19,000 Americans died from MRSA infections. More deaths are linked to MRSA infections than AIDS.
There are two known types of MRSA. You may have heard of Healthcare-Associated (HA-MRSA), which occurs in hospitals and nursing homes, but a newer type of MRSA is Community-Associated (CA-MRSA), which has recently begun to spread in public settings like gyms, locker rooms, households and schools.
People can carry MRSA and not have any symptoms. These "carriers" can also transmit the bacteria to other people. MRSA can be easily spread through skin-to-skin contact and by touching contaminated items. This is why it is crucial to take measures to help reduce the spread of MRSA using these practical steps.
- Scrub up - Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand rub sanitizer.
Wipe it down - Use a disinfecting bleach solution to wipe down and disinfect hard surfaces. (1 tablespoon of disinfecting bleach diluted in 1 quart of water)
Cover your cuts - Keep any nicks or wounds covered with a clean, dry bandage until healed.
Keep to yourself - Do not share personal items, like towels or razors, that come into contact with bare skin.
Use a barrier - Keep a towel or clothing between skin and shared equipment.
MRSA, like other staph bacteria, can cause a skin infection such as pimples, rashes, abscesses, boils or what can look like a spider bite. These infections are usually warm, painful, red or swollen.If you think that you or anyone in your family may have a MRSA infection, contact a licensed health care professional, especially if the infection is large, painful, warm to the touch, or does not heal by itself.For more information on MRSA and steps you can take to help reduce the spread of the bacteria, download our STOP MRSA Now Playbook here.
We live in a small town so when something happens to one the kids it like it happens to us. The little girl Kristin passed away a few weeks ago from MRSA. Her story is going to be on the Oprah show tomorrow. I chose to blog about this so everyone would be aware of the dangers of this infection and the symptoms. Please help me spread the word about this terrible infection. Thanks for helping me spread the word. If you have a chance watch the Oprah Show tomorrow to learn about this infection and some other infections as well.
Hug your kids a little extra tonight. I know I do because you never know what could happen.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wonderful Spring Day
As long as she is having fun I am all for it. I grew up on the golf course as well but I did not have the love for it like she does. She has a calender and is counting the days down until school is out and she gets to play golf during the week. I hope I can hold out for this. This is also the reason that I have decided to be a SAHM. I do not want to miss a minute in her life. She is such an important part of my life that I was feeling like I was missing the big part of her life. Someone asked her today what she was going to do when she got older. She stated she was going to go to college, play golf and makes lots of money. Who knows maybe we have the next pro LPGA golfers on our hands. It does not matter to me I just want her to have fun and enjoy these times.
I think I am writing all over the place tonight and I am sorry but as a side note I forgot the sunscreen today and luckily she did not burn but I did. It is hurting so bad. Oh, well I am going t make a CVS run tomorrow for some sunscreen. I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy your kids.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fishful Thinking
It is from the Fishful Thinking Ambassador program. Fishful thinking is great program and I am lucky enough to be one of the Ambassador. Brookster loves to play the games on the website. If you are wanting to know more about the program please just click the Fishful Thinking banner on the right side of my blog. They have some great activites that you can do with the program. If you have any questions about the program please leave me a comment and I will be glad to help you any way I can.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Kids can be gross sometimes

Clifford Goes Big in the Community
Scholastic Inc. has launched ÒThe Be Big in Your Community ContestÓ in support of CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG¨ and the BE BIGª initiative. The contest calls upon kids, parents, teachers, and community leaders to submit their BIG ideas for creating positive change in their communities by demonstrating CliffordÕs Big Ideas; Share, Play Fair, Have Respect, Work Together, Be Responsible, Be A Good Friend, Help Others, Be Truthful, Be Kind and Believe In Yourself. The BE BIG Fund will help bring the winning BIG idea to life by awarding one (1) Grand Prize $25,000 community grant and ten (10) runner-up $2,500 community grants to implement the winning BIG ideas via HandsOn Network local affiliate organizations. Submit your idea at <> and remember....IT ONLY TAKES A LITTLE TO BE BIG!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
ICarly Season 1 Vol 2 DVD Review

She watches the show all the time and loves to go the website.
The DVD does not go on sale unto April 21, 2009. If you would like to preorder the DVD please go here or here.
DVD Synopsis:
You asked for more, so you’re getting more-more Season 1 of iCarly! Join Carly, Sam, and Freddie as they deal with all the craziness of school, growing up, and crankin’ out the best web show out there,!
Special Features include:
Behind the Slime with the Cast of iCarly
Behind-the-Scenes Extras
Special Bonus: Pilot Episode of True Jackson, VP
Needless to say this DVD was a major hit in our house and I would recommend it to anyone.
Thanks Erin for the opportunity to review this DVD.
Selling Avon

Friday, April 17, 2009
Saturday Small Talk 6

Mee Wee Hip Hop Music for Kids Review

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The My Natural Bamboo Collection - Review

The new plush line is hand-dyed with plants and minerals using Hosung's PureWaterWash and they are made from 100% unprocessed bamboo. The fibers are all natural, antifungal and antibacterial-- safe for our children
The cute little 9 inch plush guys can only be found at Barnes and Noble stores,
Long Week
Thought I would tell you all about it so I could get it off my chest before I talked to the teacher tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Go! Diego Go Rainforest Fiesta Review

A friend of mine's little boy was over the house the other day when I received a package in the mail from FedEx. Little D wanted to know what was in the package. I opened the package and he started yelling Diego, Diego, Diego. He was jumping up and down could not wait until I put the DVD in the player. I had no idea that Little D loved Diego that much. I put the DVD in the player and started it. From the moment it stated playing until it went off he did not move. He was glued to the TV. Little D is two and usually never still. I wish I had a picture of him sitting so still, but I was busy watching the DVD with him I forgot the camera until the end.
Rainforest Fiesta! Features four episodes of a the Nick Jr. series. Diego helps a porcupine,( which was Little D's favorite), rescues a flamingo, comes to the aid of a macaroni penguin and helps a llama get free from a trap. The DVD also features a "Count, Diego, Count" Game which is very cute. It helps teaches the kids counting skills. If you would like to order a copy of Go! Diego Go Fiesta go here.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Crystal Garden
Monday, April 6, 2009
Yanni Voices Review

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sping Break
Hopefully I do not blow up the house. If you see something on the news about someone blowing up the house doing a kids science project that will be me. Off to start the growing process........
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Blog Swap

Children's Book give away
The story is about a little girl that sneezes all the time and does not know why. Casey gets upset because she can not do things other kids in her class can like pet the bunny. I really like this book as a why to explain allergies to your child. I also like this book because some the drawings are done by children.
I love anything that kids worked on as well.
If you would like to win this book for your child please leave an entry below telling about an allergy story from your family.
Extra Entries
1. Follow my blog
2. Twitt about this and leave a link
3. Blog about this give away.
The contest will end on Friday April 10th with a winner to be announced Saturday April 11th.
Friday, April 3, 2009
I am always amazed at how Brooksters mind works. I know her mind does not work the way mine did at her age. I was all into playing outside, chasing boys and playing. I did not like school. Brookster loves school and loves to learn new things. She is always working on something trying to figure it out. She is the type of kid that wants to take things apart in order to try to put it back together again. She also loves music. Even before she was born, when ever I played music she would move around. I could calm her down after she was born by singing. It should have not been surprised when she took her trumpet and some rubber bands in her room the other night. She returned a few minutes later with a new invention. The Guitartrump.
When you place the mouth piece to your ear and strum the rubber bands it sounds like a guitar, so as the name Guitartrump. She informed me that when she got bigger she was going to pay someone to make the Guitartrump and we would be rich. I asked her what she would do with all the money she was going to make. She said oh invent something else. Who knows one day you may see Guitartump on the shelves at Target or Toys R Us. When you see it just remember that little Brookster was the inventor of the new instrument.