Monday, March 2, 2009

She wants to go where!!!!!!!

Brookster is taking golf lessons. Her coach gave her a homework assignment, to look up how much it would cost per year to go to the college of her choice. I thought oh no big deal, just go look some small college around her and that would be that. Oh no, not my Brookster. She sat down in front of the computer and said "This is a very important decision that will affect my future" ( where did that come from, she is only eight) Which could be another reason she made the choice she did. I asked her where she wanted to go and she said Vanderbilt University. Imagine my mouth flying open and my jaw dropping to the floor. Vanderbilt is one of the most expensive private schools around here. We looked it up on the Internet and it was 54,000.00 a year. That is gasp gasp 216,000.00 for four years. She told her coach and he had the same look that I had I think. I know I could not see what I looked like but I can imagine. He told her she really needed to practice and get good grades so she could get a scholarship. She shurged those little shoulders and said "no problem" I thought this will not last she will change her mind. Fast forward three weeks.............. Her report card came home today and she made straight A's again. She does make very good grades. I was telling her how proud I was of her and she said thanks, I am going to get into Vandy yet... Ok, so she has not forgotten. Anyone know of a second, third, fourth job that we can do in order to get our little golfers to her dream college. As long as she has a dream I will always try to help her achieve it. It may send me to the poor house to do it however!!!!!!!!!

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